Cannabidiol as potential anticancer drug (PubMed)
Cannabidiol inhibits angiogenesis by multiple mechanisms (PubMed)
The inhibitory effects of cannabidiol on systemic malignant tumors (PubMed)
Cannabidiol inhibits cancer cell invasion via upregulation of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (PubMed)
Marijuana fights cancer and helps manage side effects (Daily Beast)
Endocannabinoids in endocrine and related tumours (PubMed)
A comparative study on cannabidiol-induced apoptosis in murine thymocytes and EL-4 thymoma cells (PubMed)
TRPV2 activation induces apoptotic cell death in human T24 bladder cancer cells: a potential therapeutic target for bladder cancer (PubMed)
Targeting CB-GPR55 Receptor Heteromers Modulates Cancer Cell Signaling
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies (Natinal Cancer Institute)
Cannabinoids: potential anticancer agents Manuel Guzmán